‘Everybody Matters, Every Moment Counts’

Telephone: 01229 462814

Year 3

September 2018

Dear Parents / Guardians,

I would like to wish you all a very warm welcome to Y3. I hope you have had a lovely time over the summer and that you are looking forward to the new school year. I am Mrs Morgan, the Year 3 teacher. I am really looking forward to working with you and teaching your child.

I will be teaching the children every morning and Miss Merrell will be working with us for support. In the afternoons, the class will stay together, and will mainly be taught by Mrs Roberts and will be joined by half of the Year 2 Class.

Reading is a vital skill, which is best developed when parents and school work together. Children need many opportunities to talk about what they have read. You can help your child by making sure that you spend some time reading with them every night and talking about their book (e.g. events, characters, making predictions) and that they have their reading book in school every day.
Children will be given opportunities to read every day in school and will be encouraged to try a variety of different text types. In Year 3, most teaching of reading takes place through adult-led group or whole class reading sessions.

English work this term will begin with a block to revise and introduce SPaG concepts and Year 3 objectives. The rest of the Autumn term will be work on adventure stories, information texts, instructions and ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ by Roald Dahl.

The children will have Y3 P.E. lesson every Thursday morning. They will need to bring a full kit with them including clothes suitable for outdoor lessons, as weather permitting we will be outside for the first 5 weeks.

This term’s topics will be ‘Rocks and soils’ and ‘Forces and magnets’

Maths topic areas this term will be taught in the following order:
Number and place value, calculation methods (addition and subtraction), measurement – length, number- multiplication and division, fractions, measurement-time and geometry- 2-D shapes. The children will work in differentiated groups for CLIC to develop rapid recall of number facts and calculation skills.

Homework will be given out on a Friday and is to be returned by the following Wednesday.
Spellings will be given out every week and these will focus on a mix of spelling patterns and high frequency words. Spellings should be copied out twice into their homework books to hand in on a Wednesday but they should keep their sheets for further practise for the test on a Friday.
In addition to spellings they will either receive either, a maths homework (to consolidate their learning) or Literacy (SPaG) based homework, there will be a Speaking and Listening/ talk homework approximately every half term.

Please find topic web attached.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, concerns or queries.

Kind regards,

Mrs Morgan

Skiddaw letter

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Skiddaw class. I am delighted to be teaching Year 3 again this year in the afternoons. I know that the Year 2 children will be a welcome addition to the class.  Mrs Morgan and I will liaise closely to ensure that Year 3 children are able to make links in their learning.

I have enclosed a curriculum overview which will help you see many of the topics and subjects which we shall be covering this term. Please be assured that although the same topics/subjects will be taught to both year groups, the objectives and expectations will be different. All children will be given activities/work to do which is appropriate for their year group and ability.

As you can see on the curriculum overview, our topic in History this term will be Great Explorers. As part of this block of work children will learn about significant people and explore Neil Armstrong, Christopher Columbus and Robert Scott in more detail.

Mrs Athersmith will be in charge of the class on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons whilst I am SENDCo.

During these afternoons she will teach PE and RE and French (only Year 3 children).

PE lessons will be on Wednesday afternoons for children in Skiddaw class. Please make sure that your child has a full PE kit in school at all times and that any earrings/jewellery are removed on PE days.

Finally, if you have any questions, worries or concerns, or just want to have a chat about your child, please do let me know. I would rather know about any small niggles before they develop into anything bigger! Just phone the office to make an appointment.

Kind regards,

Mrs F Roberts

Contact Details

01229 462814



Askam Village School
Lots Road
LA16 7DA

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